March '23 Archive

Soon be Easter 2023

Soon be Easter 2023

31 March 2023

Trev, get well soon from all YTRRC.  Brighton Marathon From Lynne : Brighton Marathon , absolutely freezing first thing with artic wind , Round Brighton , then out to R...

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YTRRC does Yeovil Half

YTRRC does Yeovil Half

25 March 2023

Yeovil Half Marathon         Full Results .     Photographs Today saw the Yeovil Half Marathon with, according to the results 49 Club runners, we met up...

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Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

18 March 2023

Cerne Giant 30 Miler The Long Distance Walking Association put on great events all over the country, today saw the Dorset Branch put on the Cerne Giant 30 miler with a 20 miler as well...

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Another Larmer Weekend

Another Larmer Weekend

10 March 2023

A Walk in Portand.   Photographs Today saw 18 of us head down to Portland for a 9 mile walk around Portland and then to The Cove House Inn for a great Sunday Lunch.  We met...

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Soon be Spring

Soon be Spring

05 March 2023

Notices Club run on Tuesday is at Goldenstones. From Adam:  440 children from 28 local primary schools took part in the latest Yeovil and District cross country races held a...

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