1.  The main Club night is Tuesday evening.  Other activities including track training, hill repetitions, Pub runs and other training runs will take place throughout the week and will be posted on the club website.

2.  Club Colours

The Club colours shall be green and white with the word Yeovil on the front.

Where feasible Club colours should be worn by all members representing the Club at every representative meeting and for Club competition races unless the requirement is inappropriate for specific events, e.g. Santa Dash, night races.

When entering races members should complete the entry form stating “Yeovil Town RRC” as the Club name. Any variation on this may lead to the Club missing out on team prizes.

3. Club Runs

All Club training runs are in accordance with ARC Rules.

Where possible the Club tries to accommodate runners of all abilities with the provision of various routes, speeds and with nominated leaders.

When running with the Club, members should follow the instructions of the designated group leader. They should also make sure the group leader is aware of any significant medical issues that they have, which may give rise to problems during the run. They should also take account of other members of the group to ensure that no-one is left behind particularly if running in the dark or in an unfamiliar rural area.

When running on roads members should always run in single file commensurate with the local road and traffic conditions.

It is essential that when running with the Club members are seen to be polite, responsible and set a good example to others.  The Club has a good reputation to uphold.

Runners should take responsibility for themselves and be aware of other road users and pedestrians.

When running in daylight members should always wear bright or light coloured clothing.

When running in the dark members should wear fluorescent or reflective clothing and wear or carry a torch when appropriate.

When running through the countryside members should be aware of common hazards such as livestock, stiles, gates, nettles, brambles, and remember to check for tick bites at the end of the run. Always close gates behind you

4. Liability

The Club will not be liable for any injury to a member or loss/damage to their personal belongings.

5. Membership

The Club Membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March the following year.

The Committee will decide the Membership fee by December of the year before.

The Club members must pay their Annual Subscription before or at the Annual General Meeting (This is to allow their UKA affiliation to be processed prior to 1st June). The membership fee must be accompanied by the appropriate form or electronically to provide the Membership Secretary with up to date contact details.

If a person wishes to join the Club before 31st December of the Club Membership year, they will pay a full subscription.

If a person wishes to join after 1st January of the Club Membership year they will pay a full subscription, which will be valid until March the following year. However, until 1st April of the new Club Membership year they will not be covered by UKA and must apply for UKA races as an unaffiliated member, unless they pay an extra subscription to English Athletics. They will be covered by ARC insurance for other activities such as training, and Club runs if they sign the new runners form at each attendance.

If a member has not renewed their Club Membership by 1st June their UKA affiliation will be unregistered and their membership of the Club will lapse.

If a member has allowed their membership to lapse and wishes to re-join the Club they will pay the normal renewal subscription. If they require a new running vest they must pay for it themselves.

If a person wishes to join YTRRC having previously been a member of another running club of if he/she wishes to resign from YTRRC they must follow the procedures laid down by English Athletics before their UKA affiliation can be renewed.

6. London Marathon Places

The Club is allocated a place or places for the London Marathon. The number of places is determined by the size of the membership of the Club. These places will be allocated by Ballot.

To be eligible for entry into this ballot for the allocated Club place(s) members must:

Be a first claim member of the Club

At the time of the Ballot the member must be, at a minimum, in their second continuous Club Membership Year. The Club Membership Year runs from the 1st April to 31st March the following year. Part years prior to the first full Club Membership Year do not count.

a. Have paid their annual Club membership fee by the date of the AGM in the year of the ballot.

b. Not have run in the previous two London Marathons irrespective of their method of entry to the event.

c. Have never obtained a place in the London Marathon by way of a Club ballot place.

d. Have helped with three Yeovil Town RRC events between the Easter Bunny or first Yeovilton 5k of the year (whichever comes first) and the last Yeovilton 5k of the year. It is the responsibility of the member to inform the race director on the day of the event that they have attended and which role they were designated.

e. Have an entry form that states the applicant is a member of Yeovil Town RRC.

f. Present a valid rejection slip for the next year’s London Marathon to a member of the Committee.

g. The Ballot will be drawn at the Awards Evening or other date to be announced by the Committee.

There is an expectation on the recipient of a Club place to show a commitment to the Club by training and actively participating with the Club following the award of the place.

The recipient of a Club place is expected to wear the Club colours when competing in the London Marathon.

7. Club Organised Races

It is expected that Club members will offer their help to the Race Director or Chief Marshall before taking part in a race that the Club is hosting. The Club does not wish to prevent members from taking part in its own races, but it is simply a matter of courtesy to the people organising the races.


YEOVIL TOWN ROAD RUNNING CLUB hereby adopts and accepts these Rules.