London Marathon 2023

London Marathon 2023

Released On 23rd Apr 2023

The London Marathon.     Photographs.            Results

Well the day has finally come for the best Marathon out there. During the week YTRRC runners hit the Expo to collect their numbers and a good look round the Expo. We had 17 in this year a record I think.

First over the line for the Club was Andy in 3:17:54 and out first Lady was Jacs in 3:31:09 both bp's sp great running.  The results I managed to get were taken before the half way point and according to the App. So you can see some great pacing especially from Andy and Yunmi: 

Simon Rowbottom on for a 3:45 finished in 3:52:53
Lindsay Saunders on for a 3:52 finished 4:33:58
Vicky Scrowston on for a 3:47 finished in 4:10:33
Magdalena Golebiowska on for a 3:30 finished in 3:35:10
Rachael Jones on for a 4:45 finished 5:26:20
Yunmi Jang on for a 3:45 finished in 3:44:00
Nicola Guiver on for a 3:45 finished in 3:55:34
Anita Garrett on for a 5:02 finished 5:53:39
Andy Farrant on for a 3:18 finished in 3:17:54
Jac Casey on for a 3:26 finished in 3:31:09
Da Riush Broniszewski on for a 3:48 finished 4:12:51
Sharon Hardy on for a 5:03 finished 5:53:39
Jeff Watson on for a 3:54 finished in 4:07:53
Linda Membury on for a 4:14 finished in 4:39:14
Daniel Stephen James McFarlane is on for a 3:34 finished 3:40:46
                                                                              Steve Lye on for a 3:32 finished in 4:02:04.                                                                                                                                                                 Lucy Rippington on for 3.56 finished in 4:32                                                                                  Elie Morgan finished in 4:52:37

For those that are never going to run a Marathon again closes on Friday

Trust 10

From Ali: Trust 10 at Stourhead today. A very scenic and challenging run on a lovely morning. Starting and finishing at the house and taking in King Alfred’s Tower.

Park Runs

From Kev: A few of us did Weymouth parkrun with breakfast after - thanks all and Joanna Samuel for driving.

PUB RUN – MOSTERTON (20TH April 2023)

From Mark: I went tonight expecting to do the usual on-road loop, but everyone wanted to go off-road, so without a map, using only memory we ran the summer mostly off-road route instead. Five of us (Sue, Louise, JC, Rob, and myself) set off across fields in the sunshine heading towards South Perrott. It was going to be a muddy run. The Langmoor lane (track) with its picturesque stream took us to the village. We continued northwards to Pipplepen farm, and turned left. A footbridge took us over a ford. Next we continued across fields, one of which had a herd of small cows. The cows came over to greet us but behaved well. We reached the road, crossed over then ran paths through the back of Misterton. We passed a football match going on, some goats, the allotments, and steep steps down to the main road. Next we picked up the Liberty trail where we climbed to a ridge and followed hedgerows. A muddy rutted track took us to the edge of some woods which we followed along to the road. Turning right, after a short climb we then followed a track up to the top of Knowle hill. The last leg was along Mosterton Down lane which undulated and took us back down to the pub. It was Pie night, so there was pie of your choice with help yourself vegetables. An optional pudding could also be included at a very reasonable price. There were 10 of us in total and it was a good evening. Thanks Phil for organising.

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