YTRRC Hits Southampton and Brighton

YTRRC Hits Southampton and Brighton

Released On 7th Apr 2024

Weekend Running

From Jo: Big thank you to Lesley Nesbitt who not only kept me company on what would have been a solo Inbetweeners group run today, but also kept me going at a strong (for me) average pace. The rain mainly held off, the wind was forceful & a little unpleasant at times but I actually really enjoyed it.

From Melanie:  Cavity tray run this morning there was only 7 of us in Sharon and I's groups. We did the Montacute, church lane hill route we all did well mastering the hill. It was a Nice steady run and the weather was kind to us

I think the numbers were low due to Honeys absence (we also missed you Tim Willis of course). Thanks all for your company great running by all as always.

From Helen: Sunday Club 10 miler complete, well done all was tough fighting against that wind.

Park Runs

From Adam: Weymouth Park Run with double buggy followed by quick dip in a rough sea.

From Mel:  No photo of Yeovil runners taken at the start . There were a few of us there to brave the wind . Was fairly warm, windy & the mud is starting to dry out . A post run photo to prove we were there.


Brighton Marathon

From Katie:  Brighton marathon was great today. Perfect weather ( probably a bit too hot and sunny after all those months training in the cold and wet! ) incredible support from the public, numerous choirs and steel bands, plentiful water and wee stops ( always important ) and an incredible party vibe all the way round. I thought I'd set off a bit fast ( though I hadn't ) and tucked myself in behind Mr Disco Guy who was dressed as a big glitter ball complete with 70s wig and sunglasses!

There were a few steep hills in the first 20k which was a nice surprise , then an out and back along the sea front ( great views ) before heading inland around the shops and houses. Flagging at 35k but high fives from the kids lining the streets and kind people handing out orange segments kept me going ..... though may have walked a bit at this stage Then a second wind and a final burst for the last 6k along The Hove overtaking lots of other runners who were tired and starting to flag SO happy to see the finish line and even managed a full on sprint at the end ( felt like l was flying but was probably really a hobble! ) Really happy with my official time of 5hrs 25mins ..... but even happier with my strava time of 5hrs 20mins and that's the one l'm sticking with

Thank you for everyone's fantastic support and encouragement today. Great to see June Moule at the half way point and Taryn Monks and Tina Beard near The Pier ( looking fresh after finishing their Brighton 10k ) So lucky to be part of this club. Just scoffed an enormous 18" pizza and now on my way home sore but happy.



From Adrian: Brighton Marathon for Jack Lax today , trying to smash his old man’s time. All the best.

Jack finished in 04:19:10 great running, we also had Katie Stokes who finished her first marathon in 05:25:03, well done to both of you.

Lancaster Races Race to the Castle 10km

From Terry: So back on tour, this time the Lancaster Races Race to the Castle 10km. Run into a very strong wind going out, and then a vicious climb to Lancaster Castle at 6km. I have to be pleased with 54 mins in those conditions and after racing Thursday.

Southamton Marathon

From Steve: YTRRC does Southampton.

Kate and I travelled down to Southampton (without the need for an OS Map) on Saturday afternoon in preparation for a marathon and half marathon. Paul G and Rachael also travelled down on Saturday (The 3 pro’s were making a Titanic effort and running the marathon and with me doing the half) on Sunday.

After docking at the hotel we had a quick explore of the city.

Sunday morning arrived and the races started - we set sail hoping to cruise around. Just like the Pilgrim Fathers on the Mayflower we set off into the unknown (perhaps a tenuous analogy and over dramatic but 26.2 miles is a long way (and so is 13.1 too!!!) and anything can happen.

We woke on Sunday morning to discover that Rach and Gareth had made a special trip down to support us all and it was fab to see them out on the course with their professional cheering and photo taking.

The marshals were great and Saints with their effort and support. It was a nice bonus running through St Mary’s football stadium. We successfully navigated the runners wall, avoiding icebergs and finished without sinking. It was a bit windy going over the bridge twice (4 times for the marathon runners). (Can you spot the links to Southampton history in the blog?!).

Minster Milers Mash 2024

From Margarita: A few of us went over to Minster Milers Mash 2024 today. With the rain over the last few days and this route started on a grassy hill, there was the conversation a the beginning of what shoes to wear, trail or road. The race brief was informing us the first km was sloshy and mushy with a further mushy part later on. A lovely yet undulating route through Ilminster and Dillington House. Lovely to see a few from the club. Daniel Stephen James McFarlane, Deanna Coles, Toby Norman, Debbie Rennard, Ann Grace, Claire Shucksmith all motored up the hill and finished before me so not sure what order they finished it. I finished closely followed by Claire Church and Mafalda Santos. A good race with a medal, goody bag and a bottle of cider. A good local race to do.

Weston Prom 5 mile Race

From Jo: So last night, despite the weather, because there were points up for grabs 10 of us ventured over to do the Weston Prom 5 mile race. We all hid in cars & the race HQ until the very last minute as it was pouring down - as you can imagine Lindsay Saunders was over joyed . Luckily, much like last year, as the time came for us to hit the start line the rain pretty much stopped . Even though this is a dead flat 5 mile 2 up & down course it is pretty tough & very fast . The one good thing is being able to see everyone at each turn around point as we all run up & down the prom!! Suzanne Conlon comfortably came across the line first for the club. Despite all the weather challenges, Lindsay bravely held onto second spot very well supported by our club chairman Stephen Warren. It was great to see Terry Byrne travel down & take second spot for the gents. Ellie & Kelly battled it out for third spot & I have no idea how this ended as I was too far behind!! Kirsty Norman came in next, always smiling followed by me, Anita Garrett & Margarita Moore.

Luckily it was still dry so some of us headed over to the same fish & chips restaurant that we went to last year & again, after a little friendly negotiation they let us sit down & enjoy a great meal.