YTRRC hit Bushy Park Run

YTRRC hit Bushy Park Run

Released On 13th Apr 2024

Rotterdam Marathon.                        Results 

From Richard: 

Yeovil Town RRC does NN Marathon Rotterdam.

Guinness Guinness was the first of the team in action doing the 1/4 marathon after a period of injury and illness made it impossible for him to consider the full marathon and he managed to blag a transfer at the expo, a very respectable time of 1:06:10 meant he managed to come away with an unexpected medal and tee shirt

Then it was time for the four Yeovil runners to line up for the main event, a minute’s silence was impeccably observed for Kelvin Kiptum who should have been lining up at the start

3 PB’s and a visit to the medical tent followed. I was first home with a near 6 minute PB in a time of 3:33:57 meaning I also got inside the new London GFA target, to say I’m chuffed is an understatement. Next over the line was Tim Willis with a time of 4:06:09 another 6 minute PB, Adrian Lax was next over the line with a time of 4:07:03 and that’s when the fun started! Adrian had started off really strong in his quest for a first sub 4 hour marathon and was well on course but started to struggle around mile 20 and went downhill from there, he collapsed on the finish line and had to be rushed into the medical tent, needless to say he didn’t make the pre arranged meet up point and we eventually had a phone call saying they would only release him if we went to collect him, so we went to the pub and left him there……… only joking he was in a right pickle when we got there but slowly started to come round thanks to the marvellous medics, pleased to say he’s now fully recovered and huge credit to him for making it to the finish line.

Next over the line with another PB was Nolan Lewis in a time of 4:17:48 a fantastic improvement on his previous best by 5 minutes.

After that we all headed to the pub for a well earned pint or two and a great night was had by all including our wonderful support crew of Jen Birch, Carol Roberts and Richie Greengrow.

So all in all a great return by the YTRRC runners in what was a fantastic event, if anyone is looking for a different marathon to do next year do consider Rotterdam it’s truly a great marathon with PB potential.


Pen Selwood 10k

From Jo:  A small but perfectly formed number of green & whites at today’s other Championship race - Pen Selwood 10k. We all had two options today : mud or hills so we opted for the hills!! I think this was a first for some of us & at the end I was hearing “I don’t think I will race back!!”

This is my 4th time so it can’t be that bad, although I am slow!!

Great running by Suzanne Conlon who came in as our fist lady, followed by Debbie Rennard & Sue Mallinson with me bringing up the rear for the ladies . Terry Byrne travelled across to bag himself a very well earned 50 points & doing a fantastic job representing our men .

The sun shone & although the wind was a little chilly it was light. The scenery was lovely & a good morning was had by all.

Manchester Marathon

From Dan:  @manchestermarathon completed it mate. 3:27. time for some beers. Great to see everyone today. Amazing atmosphere and decent route.

Butleigh 10k

From Margarita: So over to Butleigh today for their 10km trail run and to play stuck in the mud or what could be questionable mud. Starting in the field we did a lap and then out to the footpaths, where a lot was chewed up by the tractors , also found some very inquisitive cows. A bit more road and then fields and came to the last field to run around before the finish. It was an enjoyable run and lovely to see Stephen Warren, Lindsay Saunders and Elie Morgan from the club. Also very lovely that the sun came out.

Bushy Park

From Lindsay: Still feeling pants but my stubborn side and my FOMO gets the better of me and I'm not one to give up. This weekend saw a trip to teddington with the club and #bushypark run Saturday morning with the lovely (lol) #nastynick from EastEnders as marshall shouting 'come on Yeovil'. 25 from our club took part and I enjoyed every minute as long as I was dosed up with flu capsules and covonia cough sweets lol. we then headed home Saturday and i rested for the remainder of the day as had #butleigh10k this morning.. This was a multi terrain race ( which is not my favourite) so I'm unsure why I did it and I fell over in a pot hole in the second field (slightly embarrassed) and only slightly twinged my ankle. To be honest I was glad of the breather after the sprint start to make it to the pinch point bridge lol, which you can queue if you don't hit it in enough time. Ohhhh and I then lost my trainer in some mud (well that's what I keep telling myself it was lol) . After that it was uphill but then a very much welcomed downhill. The sun was shining and 4 Yeovil town rrc members, and Alan braved this race. @rabbitspawsw and I were 1st Yeovil man and woman over the line, followed by @eliemorgs1 who made a great effort after day drinking in Weymouth the day before and then the lovely @margarita.m.09 doing her lap of honour.. Great race but don't think I'll rush to do it again lol

From Tris: So, it has been completed! I am now the proud owner or 2.5 parkruns!

Helen Nesbitt was an absolute hero in organising the impromptu fundraiser and Adam Hawkins was the saviour for getting me over the line! Thank you both so much. Xx

I fully appreciate that I raised money for literally walking around a park, but it’s an absolute testament to my Wonderful Friends for sponsoring me. I cannot thank you all enough.

As a Family Yeovil Town RRC we have collected £215.00 which I would like to give to Emma Jane’s wonderful charity Cats Protection Glastonbury & Wells Branch where our beautiful boy Freddie came from.

I will arrange payment to the charity and hopefully collect the outstanding pledges in due course. Please feel free to give to Joanna Samuel or Helen if you see them.

From Lesley: A wonderful road trip to Bushy Parkrun (where it all started) was attended by 25 YTRRC members this weekend starting on Friday with a stroll from Teddington Travelodge to Bushy Park, seeking out loads of deer. This was followed by a lovely meal at Piazza Firenze. Saturday morning and off we went to the start. Team photos taken and we lined up at the start along with almost 1600 other runners. The run was an amazing experience and very well organised, running a scenic one lap figure 8. The deer were unfazed by all the runners. Back to the hotel for a quick shower, pub for brunch and then homeward bound. Many thanks to Joanna for organising it all and congratulations to Triss for completing the parkrun and raising lots of money for charity.

Weekend Running

From Mark:  Saturday Run from Cavity Trays with Sharon and Mel leading. My watch ran out of juice before I did.

From Mark:  Sunday Slow and Steady. Sunny run round Yeovil this morning.

From Helen: Spring arrived for our Sunday club run this morning. Eleven of us ran around the outskirts of town. Hopefully when we do this route next time the mud will have dried up and we can take in Riverside Walk. Well done all. The two who were thinking they may split off decided to continue and complete the whole 10 miles. Welcome back to Nick, returning from his Aussie travels.

Park Runs

From Trevor: Shepton Mallet Parkrun team photo.