What a Lovely Day

What a Lovely Day

Released On 10th Apr 2022

Easter Bunny

It is great news that we now have use of the Nuffield Building for the Bunny (thanks June), it will make the day run so much better. The list of Marshals can be seen HERE. We are now having a Fun Run so Adam will need help on this and it will start at 10:30.

I am also looking for a lead bike (must know the route). We may have to clean the Nuffield first but not sure till we get in there. There in not much furniture in there so bring chairs. Any one that can get there early that day would be great, Phil and I will be there from about 8 and the latest time to get there will be 10:00. Tim is taking charge of the Marshals and will brief you all around 10:15 to make sure we are all ready for the 11:00 start. Once the race and prize giving is complete we then need to clean up and pack away so again any help with the will be very much appreciated. More info will be posted on FB during the week.

From Mel:  After 2 years , we are BACK !! Denise & I had a very constructive day cleaning water containers, mugs , plates etc in preparation for the Easter Bunny .

Now we need your help please . Cakes, pastries, biscuits , savouries . If you can’t bake we like bought in goodies too ( think Hot x Buns , Easter cakes ) Any contributions gratefully accepted . Thank you

The Refreshment Team

PS . We have one large money box for contributions but we need a couple more . Has anyone got an old large money box they don’t need any more please.

Sunday Runs

From Lesley: Beautiful morning for our club run from Goldenstones running rhe Over Compton/Trent loop. Thanks for the company Helen, Joanna, Robert, Paul, Nick, Dom & Mick. Meeting back at Goldenstones with members of my family, a few other walkers and runners who all joined in with the coffee and Helen's super chocolate Easter cake party

Exeter Duathlon

From Kevin: Very challenging Exeter Duathlon. Very cold 8am start time for the first 5k within the picturesque grounds of Escot Estate, then into transition and out on a 20k bike course before finishing back in the grounds of Escot Estate for the final 5k to the finish line.

Magna Carta Marathon

Fron Dan: Magna Carta Marathon done this morning in the sunshine 3:28. It got a little tricky at parts along the course due to the same route was being used by 1000 walkers doing the Eater Walk 50k at the same time. So Happy with the time considering and finished 14th out of 112 runners #37 Definitely looking forward to a few weeks off Really great route along the River Thames with Hermes Running.

Park Runs

From Ali: Frogmary farm park run this sunny morning. 150 for Robert Adams and 130 for me. Rob was 1st old git in his age category.

From Adam: Burnham and Highbridge Park Run today. Flat with beautiful views. Followed it with a climb up Brent Knole!!

From Kev: Me and Richard Dodge ventured into Devon , Cranbrook parkrun my #72 different parkrun ,a small event and Today was 7 seas and an R ( Pirate Theme ) from a group of runners.


From Mark: Being a very bright but cool spring evening I felt a need to go off road for as much as possible, if I was to be leading. There were seven in the not so fast group (Rob, JC, June, Helen, Lesley, Louise, and me). Without planning or making a recce of a route, we set off down the A37 and turned right to enter the first of several fields. We passed Pavyott’s farm and headed towards East Coker along the Monarch’s Way. For a while we joined the faster group. Before Tellis Cross, we turned left and followed a network of paths through North Coker park to Nash, then followed more paths and a lane up to A30 opposite Bunford Lane. Turning right and right again we ran down Placket lane to the steep stone steps on the right. We crossed a field and before reaching Nash turned to run back down to the East Coker road. Turning left and then right we ran down to Redlands and along to Patchlake cottages. Running north along the edge of a field we reached a lane and turned right. The last leg for five of us was up the track to the edge of Yeovil and back down the A37 to the pub. A large bonfire was still burning nearby in front of the sun set. Thanks Rob for some guidance a couple of times along the way. I improvised the route and it came out just over 6 miles (the total length of neural connectivity in a cubic mm of brain). Thanks Phil for organising, the pub food was very good.

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