Sunny Day in Weymouth

Sunny Day in Weymouth

Released On 20th Oct 2023

Weymouth 10 Miler

From Jo: So today saw the last of our club championship races & there was another great turn out from the green & whites. Great to see Terry Byrne travel down & we welcomed back Trevor Strelley racing again. The weather report looked perfect for racing so once we had persuaded Helen Nesbitt to go with the sunglasses & not the cap I owe her an apology - there was a rain shower as we were running!!

I would love to write a detailed write up with who finished where & all the great achievements our club members achieved but I struggled today & finished quite near the back so missed the vast majority finishing. Paul Card did lap me, that I defiantly saw!!!

A great day was had by all & everyone seemed to finish with smiles on their faces so as a club - well done everyone.

Awards Night

Hats and awards data submissions

It’s that 􏰀me of year again, where you submit data to me, to qualify for your club achievements hats, and also to submit your best 􏰀med parkruns, for each of the Frogmary, Dorchester, Henstridge, Street and Weymouth parkruns completed in 2023.

This needs to be with me ASAP, with the absolute cut off deadline being Sunday 29th October Anything a􏰁er this date will NOT be included, as the information needs to be collated and sent off, in

order for the suppliers and the engravers to have everything ready for us by the awards evening.

Your best 􏰀med parkruns informa􏰀on can be sent to me via FB messenger, or via email: .

This informa􏰀on will have to be collated, so the sooner the be􏰂er please. However, if you do a be􏰂er 􏰀me on the Saturdays a􏰁er submi􏰃ng then do please let me know, and I can adjust.

The last possible parkrun with submissible informa􏰀on will be on Saturday 28th October.

The hat info can be sent to me directly, or through the website (Club Awards (

If you have a race booked in November then please don’t wait un􏰀l then, but send the data you currently have, and also tell me the race you have booked, to enable me to order a hat for you.


Sunday Runs

From Lindsay: Sorry it's late. Busy weekend but the 9am cavity trays run on Saturday consisted of 3 groups.. The walking group, the jogging group and the running group. The weather could have been better but we all battled through. It was great to keep meeting up with the jogging group from time to time as they did the same route as us but some slight adaptations. I ended up running just over 9 miles as I jogged up to meet everyone so think our group must have done between 7 and 8 miles by the time we finished. Thanks Tim Willis and Honey for leading us x Bungy Williams for the blog if you haven't already done it.

From Lesley: A lovely sunny morning for the small 'select' Sunday club runners today while most of our regulars were taking part in the Weymouth 10 miler. Leaving from Goldenstones we made our way to Airfield cycle path, through Alvington along New Road to Montacute and then back via Balls Hill, Larkhill and various streets back to Goldenstones. Thanks all for a good sociable run, meeting Alison and Mel D for coffee. Also nice to see Mac on route and Louise walking with her mum at Ninesprings.

From Mark: Slow and Steady Sunday Run with Lynne and Denise. Cool and sunny with some fields. Met Kev and his father in law along the way.


Park Runs

From Adam: Some of the YTRRC runners at Frogmary Park Run this morning.

From Jo: So today after Katie Stokes kindly organised us, Katie, Taryn Monks, Claire Church, Andy (thanks for driving) & myself headed off to do Clevedon Salthouse Fields parkrun. First time for most of us on this one & I we all agreed we would go back, maybe just in the summer!! It is a great 3 lap route which was slightly altered today due to them draining off the lake!! It did get a little congested at times but everyone, runners & Marshalls alike were so friendly. Katie smashed her 30min goal with some great running. Taryn ‘& Claire kept each other company & still looked strong coming over the finish. We had a lovely hot drink in the pub at the end (thank you Claire) & fab morning was had by all.

From Tina: I’ve been meaning to get to the great field parkrun, today was that day . Nice fast course, I’ll definitely go back. We got rather wet though, so maybe in the spring.


Weston Prom 5 Mile

From Mafalda: So tonight, even with a promise of rain and wind, Jeff Watson brought me to lovely Weston Super Mare to get me back on a race- the Weston Prom 5 mile. Well, guess what? It didn’t rain, there was no wind and I now have all the races I need for my first YTRRC hat .

My time was not the best, but after being off for over 2 months I’m happy with my 1h05min. And Mr Watson did amazing with 38m23secs.

Parma Half Marathon

From Denise: Just got back ... What a lovely week away with these lovely ladies we had the best time . We had all entered the Parma half marathon last Sunday, where the weather wasn't too good on the day it absolutely tipped down with rain. At one point, we got absolutely drenched. Everyone did well . The after-party was good. We spent the following day celebrating Amanda's birthday with Bubbly and cake . The rest of the week, we had a good old nosie around palma , and we caught the old wooden train to Soller on Tuesday . A beautiful place ,the beach was idyllic the weather was lovely. The Spanish food was fantastic can't wait to do it all again .

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