Santa Dash 23

Santa Dash 23

Released On 10th Dec 2023

Santa Dash             Results.          Photographs

A big thank you to Lindsay and all Club members that helped in today Santa Dash, a great turn out with 71 runners.  

Milton Keynes Winter Half Marathon

From Margarita: So I wanted a half marathon for December and my last half for the year, but also to combine it with going away for my birthday. Away to Milton Keynes Winter Half Marathon. After a storm last night, some of the event village was blown away, but they still put on a fab event. After playing in the mud at the beginning, I mean negotiating the event village, we started the obstacle course, oops I mean half marathon road race. This race is run on the redway, parks and roads around Milton Keynes. A very picturesque race. We were very lucky with the weather, it only rained about a kilometre to the end. All in all a good race and very happy with my time. It was nice they laid on a shot of Baileys at the end. Roll on the birthday celebrations.

Chrismas Cracker 10k

From Kevin: YTRRC two generations running wet and windy Chrismas Cracker 10k at Weston today.

Park Runs

From Helen: Weymouth Parkrun - lovely blustery day listening to the waves crashing whilst walking it with Alison, thanks for the company well done to the rest of you runners . Of course some of us enjoyed brekki after.

Weekend Running

From Mark: Saturday Run from CT led by Sharon and Tim.

As usual the group split into longer faster and shorter slower, with some mixing and improvisation as well. Nice run with drizzle at times.

PUB RUN – LIMINGTON – (7TH December 2023)

From Mark: By five o clock the rain had stopped as I left and headed to Limington via Stone Lane. The road was flooded both sides of Ashington, but thankfully it was not deep enough not to drive through. It was just a couple of inches deep maybe. Only three turned up for the Pub Run (Phil, JC, and myself). In the pub we were assured that Bineham Lane was not flooded and just a bit muddy.

Me and JC set off on the usual clockwise loop, running first through the village and into Ilchester. We continued north along the main street and into the housing estate at Troubridge Park. Crossing the Somerton road we continued through houses and came out on the old main road (Fosse Way) which is now a track. Heading south, and turning left we then ran towards the camp. Turning right we ran down Bineham lane following the edge of the airfield. Surprisingly, just before reaching Yeovilton, the road was flooded. Maxing at two or three inches deep, we passed through about a hundred yards of flood water. At least the trainers got a good wash. Out the other side we continued through the village and passed the weir. It was then a gentle climb back to Limington, and a left turn for the final leg back to the pub.

The pub food was very good. Thanks Phil and JC.

Hopefully a map of the route will appear when I re-connect my watch to my phone.

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