Running in the Darkest Devon

Running in the Darkest Devon

Released On 19th Feb 2023


From Mark:  We are proposing to do a social hike at Portland on Sunday 12 March. The start will be 11 o clock from the car park behind the Heights Hotel. This is being organised for Denise and Mel.

Leaving the car park we will make our way down the western side of the Island to Portland Bill. A couple of detours will be necessary due to path closures. There is an option of a quick cup of tea at the Lobster Pot. Then we proceed back along the eastern side of the island to just past Southwell where we join the road. The last leg will be roads back through Easton and back to the car park. The total distance will be around 9 miles.

For refreshments we will drive down the hill to Fortuneswell afterwards and go to the Cove House Inn. There is a car park behind the pub. They are doing a Carvery with Beef, Pork, and Vegetarian options. The target time is 2:30. Unfortunately we have to confirm numbers in advance, so please can you let us know in advance if you would like to come for the meal. We have to book definite numbers.

Denise and Myself have done a recce of the walk and pub.

Sunday Runs

From Nat:  Slow and steady, group met up at ninesprings with the other group. They set off then 6 mins layer we did waiting just incase. Andrew, showed the route and thinking it ok . Well up hills there was a few but some downs as well. We all had a laugh we didn't actually get lost this time cause the good JC lead the group with the printed paper . What a lovely morning for a stoll on roads n trails which brakes it up nicely (Lynne & Anita Farquhar Rufus )we missed you. We went out to stoford - Bradford then back to goldenstones from the retail complex

Thanks to Gemma and Mark for the photos

P.S = The run will be from Ilchester next Sunday as the main map runner isn't here so I will going along the river out n back so trail shoes if anyone want a lift I can help

From Helen: Sunday long run complete … beautiful morning for it thanks for the company all, really enjoyed that this morning, it flew by.

The Wild/Mild Night Run

From Matt:  

Cold, wet February

Remote and bleak Dartmoor

A slog of ten miles

At night, in the dark

No-one, but no-one would seriously consider that a reasonable consideration…

We had 18 sign up from YTRRC, and another 9 decide that the five mile option would be fun too!

I’ve had some fun over the years organising YTRRC group events, and it’s all a bit like herding cats. The Wild/Mild Night Run was no different, starting with a confusing entry website, rubbish SatNav, and an App based registration – don’t they realise there are some technology challenged fools out here!

Anyway, South Brent was the venue and we all arrived more or less ready and raring to go. No-one forgot their head-torches and everyone gathered for the usual group photo – don’t think we missed anyone…then it was off to the start. One idiot had put his hat over his head-torch but I’ll remain nameless on that one!

A short race brief and we all rushed off into the ever-darkening dusk ad immediately went uphill…for about 3 days. Smelly BO man had to be overtaken, every breath while behind was evil, and so the race split into the various paced groups. Hopefully everyone had a period where they were relatively alone, as the splendour of the moor then comes into its own.

The five mile race split off before Didworthy Reservoir at Shipley Bridge, where they all has fun charging round and finding the race a little longer at 5.2 miles – bonus extra without a fee!

Meanwhile, the Ten mile race took the access road to the reservoir and then onto the rough ground that is the moor. A light misty rain kept everyone cool – Matt in his three layers, hat and gloves, Luke Betteridge in a single vest, and Adam Switzer blinded with rain on his glasses! Is that why Robert Adams headbutted a gate? I’m not sure even he knows! Andy Farrant had a little tumble and needed first aid for a minor boo-boo on his shin. Lindsay Saundersy was nursing her hangover but all was going swimmingly.

Various route makers like tiny reflective tape, or LED lights facing the wrong way, made route finding a little difficult – Matt did 10.4 miles which is why he didn’t win, whereas others did between 10.5 and 10.2.

Downhill running in the dark, on rocky terrain, with water making everything slippery only added to the fun and a sense of “why exactly am I doing this” was paired with “well there was nothing on TV anyway”. As with all races, the downhills were way shorted than the uphills, and not before long, South Brent reappeared showing civilisation once again. A short run by the river with frogs hoping about and then a rush to the Community Hall where they placed the finish up a flight of steps!

Graham Richard Still, Magdalena Golebiowska and Jac Casey won prizes and we all turned our thoughts to the trip home.

100k Wessex Ridgeway relay

From Vicky:  I can now confirm the two ytrrc teams for the 100k Wessex Ridgeway relay on Sunday 21st May 2023

Team 1

Ashley Gingell

Graham Richard Still

Adam Switzer

Gill Pearson

Yunmi Jang

Daniel Stephen James McFarlane

Team 2

Simon Rowbottom

Nikki Guiver

Vicky Rosewell

Mark Copping

Jack Clotworthy

Lisa Hallett

Both teams have been officially entered, however we have plenty of time to decide who is running each leg of the relay.

Please could I ask for £10 from each participant (pm me for my bank details) as I have already paid the entry fee.

Any problems let me know.

Thanks for your support

Park Runs

From Lesley: First parkrun since Christmas Eve and Tony's first run since then. We were Billy No Mates at Weymouth today.

From June: Flying the flag for Yeovil Town RRC at Maldon Prom park run this morning. 1st in age category too!

Weston Prom 5

From Kevin: Weston Prom 5 tonight for me & William . Good run by William at his first 5 mile event.

PUB RUN – BOWER HINTON (16TH February 2023)

From Mark: Sue planned an interesting new route, and led the group tonight. Seven of us (Sue, Rachael, Kelly, Elie, JC, Paul, and myself) left the pub and ran the track around the darkened recreation ground. We rejoined the road at Frickers Bridge, and then ran into Martock. Turning right at the triangle we ran around the housing estates in the east of Martock then briefly rejoined to main street. We then ran round more houses in the north eastern part of Martock and rejoined the main street. Heading north we ran up to the traffic lights at Stapleton Cross. We stopped for photos then continued westwards towards Coat. This was the atmospheric part of the run. Turning left at Coat we ran back towards Martock and did a small semi-loop round more houses on the left. At the main street we turned right and ran south. Turning right we ran another semi-loop round houses and came back out onto the main street. For the last leg we continued back down the main street and through the road works back to the pub. Thanks Sue for this interesting route. It made a change from our usual ones. We were joined by Phil and Guy in the pub for a good meal. Thanks Phil for organising.

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