Nice Racing

Nice Racing

Released On 15th Oct 2023

Primary Schools Cross Country races this Wednesday 18th on Aldon Hill
Any help any time between 2.00 and 5.00 gratefully received

From Adam

Richard Dodge

From Kev: Just an update about Richard Dodge Mr Yeovil Town RRC running man for many years. His running curtailed in 2020 awaiting Hip operation , which finally got done in 2022, further unrelated issues developed leaving him immobilised with peripheral nerve damage and a long NHS waiting list.. things took a turn last week and Richard ended up at Bristol for upper spine operation due to nerve entrapment believe to have caused his ongoing issues , he's back in Yeovil ward 8B and is the most sensible bloke in there .

He has a long road to recovery, wonderful Adam Hawkins spopped in to see him today.

But we all wish him the best full recovery possible I'm time . Let's share some Richard Dodge running photos

Dorset Hillfort Ultra!

From Mags: Very early and cold start today to run the Dorset Hillfort Ultra! Great to see some familiar faces out there! Hope everyone had a lovely day enjoying gorgeous Dorset countryside.

Great South Run

Sunday Runs

From Helen: Beautiful morning, albeit very fresh, for our Sunday 10 miler this morning thanks for the company all, really enjoyed it and the miles flew by! Well done all and nice to have a few others join us for coffee and cake after too.

From Mark: Slow and Steady Sunday Run led by Andrew.

Fantastic cool and sunny morning with some nice countryside and views. Tea, cake, and sandwiches afterwards at Mel's.

Oxford Half Marathon 2023

From Margarita: So after Burnham half last week, the plan was to go out and have fun at the Oxford Half Marathon 2023 today. It started a bit chaotic with thousands of runners queuing for the toilets and the bag drop, then a very long walk to get to the start pens. But managed it all successfully on time. The route was in a few bitesize pieces, which was really nice, someone said it was flat but I'm sure there were a few hills and undulations and the last 3 miles was through the town but the crowds were amazing. I crossed the line then realised I did my fastest half, knocking 6 minutes off my previous fastest time, I'm well chuffed. Also, got a new fastest 5km, 10km and 10 miler.

Park Runs

From Claire: Cranbrook parkrun this morning…early start to make sure we arrived in time…good job we did as satnav took us down a lane to a private road I half knew where it was so should have followed my instincts…anyway, finally found the train station car park, we asked a potential fellow park runner where the start was and basically short sentences of ’the flag is over there’ etc. Saw the first timers briefing sign so wandered to there, no Marshall’s yet…. others congregated so we weren’t alone. Very short briefing to then walk a few paces to the start. Rain started as we were waiting, started off in rain then the sun, then the rain, then the sun…

Quite enjoyed the course but not many marshalls. We then went to the coffee shop where apparently it gets busy with runners….nope, we were the only runners there surrounded by mothers and toddlers

Oh well! Another one ticked off with great company as usual

From Lesley: Lovely sunny, albeit chilly, morning for Southsea parkrun; pancake flat out and back route along the prom. Got back to hotel with just minutes to spare for our breakfast, followed by a visit to the Spinnaker Tower which was very impressive despite the lift not working and a 500-stair climb up 110 metres to the top!

From Jo: A beautiful day at The Great Field parkrun for their 100th event.

From Adam: Sunny Medina Park Run on the Isle of Wight - two lap fairly flat course around playing fields and a wood - very enjoyable

From Helen: Nice fresh but sunny morning at Frogmary this morning well done all. Some of us enjoyed a yummy brekki after too.


From Mark:  The not so fast runners tonight split into two groups. A longer distance was run by Da Rius, Rachael P, Paul, JC, and myself. A shorter distance was run by Alison, Rachael J, Sue, and Louise. The longer group led by myself, and the shorter group led by Alison, left the pub together. Heading south we ran through the village and turned left at Littlefields lane. Part way along we stopped for photos. At the end of the road, we split, and the longer group turned right. We ran along Shapway and had to pull in to let a large tractor pass. At Fouts Cross we turned sharp left and headed towards South Petherton. Descending through Carey’s Hollow we reached houses and regrouped. Turning left we ran up the undulating lane towards Compton Durville, turned right and ran through the small village. In front of Meadowlea farm we turned right, and headed down the road towards West Lambrook. Regrouping and turning left at the end we ran the last leg back to Shepton Beauchamp and the pub. It threatened rain but remained dry and mild. The cloud cover made it dark.

This is a stock route I often use for these Pub Runs, alternating the direction. I did consider a change for tonight going down to Stembridge, but in the end didn’t want to faff around with a map. Maybe next time.

There was also a good sized faster group tonight, and a big turn out for the pub meal afterwards. Thanks Phil for organising.

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