Its Summer Again

Its Summer Again

Released On 6th Oct 2023

Race on the Chase

From Gemma:  The things we do for a hat!

So today Eleanor Ellie Damon and I arrived at the misty race course eager to complete a Marathon distance for our Grand Slam Hat at Race on the Chase! Managed to park next to fellow Yeovil member Kirsty Norman who was doing the half marathon, we got a quick pick them we had to head to start. The start of what was a HOT hilly, tough terrain, wild wees, run out of water kind of run. Which actually was longer then 26.2! But we finished with sort of smiles on our faces. Found a pub and had a well deserved roast dinner! Winner!

Chester Marathon

From Lesley: Chester marathon, well that was a struggle. They say it's a flat PB course - did they forget about the 'lumps' which start at 17 miles. I was doing OK until then, however, from then on the miles got tougher and tougher and walked more than ran the last few miles, but I finished and happy to say I've completed my very last ever marathon. I qualified to represent England in my age category and came 5th out of 7 so i wasn't quite last!

Sunday Runs

From Tim: Two groups from Cavity trays splitting at the bottom of Stone Lane. The not so far group turning right with the hardcore heading towards Mudford and up Primrose hill. Someone had told Lindsay Saunders we only do 7 miles and she could have done if she had turned right up Stone Lane. Weather was great as well as the company with lots of banter and making a list of newbies eligible for an award at the Awards Night. There were quite a few. Another different route next Saturday all welcome.

From Mags: Great to be back on trails Full Monty route reccied today, several trees down and lots of stinging nettles but not as much mud as expected! Nice little visit to see the piggies and obligatory rehydration stop afterwards thanks guys for a great run!

Bournemouth Half Marathon and 10k

From Dan: Bournemouth Half Marathon and 10k with Deanna Coles today in the glorious sunshine followed by a well deserved Sea dip afterwards.

Barrows and Downs Trail Marathon

From Andy Brown:  Why run a marathon? For the hat of course!

JC and I headed over to Tilshead on Salisbury Plain for the inaugural Barrows and Downs trail marathon run by And-Over trail events. 8am start and "7 hour cutoff".. over tank tracks, though wooded glades and UP (and UP again) though loads of chalk fields. Passing a deserted village and a load of tanks. There were 4 well stocked aid stations about 6 miles apart and really well marked route. Having only done about 10miles in training I was trashed by 3rd aid station but pressed on. JC went on from there and just scraped under 7 hrs, I followed in with the back markers at 7 and a half. Thoroughly recommended for next year.. there's also a half distance.

Burnham-on-Sea Half Marathon

From Margareta: A local one for me today. Burnham-on-Sea Half Marathon and the sun shone today. Nice to see some other Yeovil Town RRC runners there. A good race organised by the Burnham on Sea Harriers.

From Helen: Burnham-on-Sea Half Marathon complete that was a hot one . Well done us! We’re all pleased with our times, especially me completing in under 2hrs (just!) which I didn’t think was possible at the mo. Margarita finished in her second fastest half marathon time . Linda and Rach managed to bag spot prizes . A big shout out to Linda for driving, thank you much appreciated now to relax and enjoy the sunshine happy Sunday all.

Park Runs

From Tina: 4 of us at st Mary’s , Bridport this morning.

From Helen: 1st Saturday of the month YTRRC top Parkrun at Frogmary this morning - well done all. Steve missed the photo! And sorry Gav you did too!

From Adam: Weymouth Park Run today - no other Yeovil Vests to be seen - followed by sea swim and breakfast of course!!

From Lesley: Lovely sunny morning parkrun in Ellesmere Port. Lovely 2 lap course, through fields and wood.

Weston Super Mare 5 Miler

From Matt:  Weston Super Mare 5 Miler - All for the sake of a club hat, I trundled off to the beach after work and got ready for this two lap, up and down, promenade run.

Pleased to meet Kevin Stenner before the start, although this probably meant I was going to be 2nd YTRRC, it's amazing how there's always someone from YTRRC at races!

Someone shouted "Go!", so we did, and off towards the South end of the Prom and into a small the turn around I could already see that Kevin "I have a sore knee" Stenner was storming the run and had opened a decent lead on me.

Meanwhile, having started towards the back, I was enjoying the feeling of over-taking without too many over-taking me, which is always nice! Lap one took me 20:09, while the second lap was a 20:30, so I was pleased not to have slowed down too badly. Only two Hot Flushes, so I was almost as pleased as Kevin who won his age group and a bottle of red! Well done Kevin.

This is a monthly race, so anyone who needs a five mile for a hat, can still bag one next month! Unfortunately, its a winter race hence the view is usually dark as the photo shows (even the lights from Wales didn't come out in the pic)!!!

PUB RUN – STOFORD – (5TH October 2023)

From Mark: I led a group of six tonight (Da Rius, Sue, Paul, Kelly, Lindsay, and myself). I had a rough idea for a route before leaving and improvised as I went along aiming for a run of around six miles. Leaving the pub we headed westward to Barwick, houses, church, and hollow, up past the rugby club to the Red House. We continued along the lane, and then along a path called Plackett lane, which lies behind the houses of south east Yeovil. At the end we turned right and ran back along West Coker road. Taking a cut through the houses we reached the A37, crossed over and ran along Two Tower lane. Turning right at the end we headed back towards Stoford, but turned right and ran along Rexe’s Hollow. Does anyone know who Rex was? Turning left at the end, we ran through Barwick again and made our way up the hill and back down to the pub.

It was a fast paced run, only slowed down by myself generally leading from behind. The format works with regular regroups where instructions can be given for the next leg.

On many previous runs from this pub, I have generally gone in the opposite direction out to Bradford Abbas and beyond, but thought tonight it would be good to go in the other direction for a change.

There were also faster and slower groups, and walkers tonight, and a big group of us eating afterwards. Thanks Phil for organising.

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