Its Great Up North

Its Great Up North

Released On 10th Sep 2023

Jailbreak 10km

From Terry: So could not make Newcastle for personal reasons, but made late entry into a very warm, sticky Jailbreak 10km in Lancaster. Very enjoyable run organised again by Lancaster Races, part of the Lancaster Race Series. Happy with 55m 04 secs, although 5 seconds quicker would gave been nice.

Bosun 5.5 mile Fell Run

From Andy: Just finished the Bosun in Seatown, it was a 5.5 mile fell run. It started in Seatown and went around Thorncombe Beacon, back to Seatown and then around Golden Cap before finishing in Seatown. It was hard work the uphills were impossible to run up and the downhills were full of lumps and bumps to surprise anyone. I wasn’t super fast running today mostly the heat and gradients. I’ve done the Charmouth Challenge in July with members of the club and this felt a lot harder to run but enjoyable. I’m happy with 1:25:22.

The Great North Run

Today we had six runners in the GNR.

From Graham: So, the Great North run is now over for another year, hot conditions, still great running from everyone.

From Tim: Joanna Samuel and Sharon Hardy started the GNR from the back at about 12 noon to allow the speedies a cooler run with less crowds. Jo started about 7 minutes before Sharon and both would have seen the 2 displays by the Red Arrows at the Tyne Bridge and the finish. Sharon, surprisingly for Newcastle, suffered a lot with the heat and was happy with the thunder storm after the finish. Well done both of you for an amazing effort. Half the club were stalking you.

A Day of Half's

From Adam: Robbie Hawkins completed the ridiculously hot Richmond Marathon - lots of ambulances and collapsed runners!!

From Jack: Adrian Lax and I at the new Forrest marathon today. Ps, he is gonna lose.

Sunday Runs

From Tim: A lovely run around the Windsor Loop for the Saturday Club run from Cavity trays joined by new member Joe. All achieved over 8 miles and the sun held off until the last sprint up to the football ground.

From Lesley: Fewer of us today for our Sunday run. Robert & I did 8 miles before meeting the others at Goldenstones to do the usual 10 miles. Thanks to Rob for the company for the 18 miles and thanks to Helen, Tim, Nick and Poppy for keeping me going on the final 10 miles. Lovely to meet Poppy for her first run with us . Followed, of course, by coffee and Helen's delicious brownies.

Park Runs

From Katie: A hot misty parkrun at Frogmary Farm this morning. Good luck to everyone doing races this weekend, especially The Great North

From Steve: More parkrun tourism for Kate and I. We’re up in the beautiful Peak District and drove over to the Glossop parkrun. 3 laps around the lovely park which included a wooded section at either end, lakes and colourful flower beds. Deceptively tiring course. We were both 2nd in our age groups and 8th in our gender groups. It was a 50th parkrun for us both too. Now off for more exploring of the Peaks and Kinder Scout tomorrow.


From Mark: We meet at Uplyme Village Hall at 10 am.

The village hall is almost opposite the petrol station in Uplyme which is the village in Devon just outside of Lyme Regis. I have been asked that we each make a donation of £1 for parking, and that we park on the gravel part to the right as you enter. I'm assuming there will not be access to toilets at the village hall unfortunately.

I cannot give the exact route yet because it will depend on tide times. Unfortunately the tide times app does not go that far into the future. If tides permit I would like to walk Uplyme to Charmouth across the golf course, and back to Lyme along the beach. If that is not possible, I have another nice route.


From Mark: Rob planned and led for a mostly trail run tonight going mostly to the south of Milborne Port. There were nine in the group (Louise, Lesley, Helen, JC, a new chap, Rob, Paul, Rachael, and myself). Leaving the pub, we ran through the south of the village, and ran through Canon Court Farm. We then ran across several fields and arrived at a sewage works literally out in the middle of nowhere. It was an ideal place for photos. Continuing south westward along a rutted track we reached Goathill road. Turning left we entered a muddy path through a long wood. We continued through the wood for over a mile, and came out to a field near the A30 at Crendle Corner. Crossing the main road we went down a driveway and disturbed a herd of deer (some with large antlers). Unfortunately they ran away before we could get any good photos. We then continued north through another wood which took us to the Gallops. We passed through a herd of bullocks, and ran fields back to the eastern side of Milborne Port. We finished off running a short loop through the streets back to the pub. Thanks Rob for a great trail run, and thanks Phil for organising. Alison led another group on a shorter run.

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