Easter Bunny 2023

Easter Bunny 2023

Released On 9th Apr 2023

Easter Bunny

First of all a big thank you from me as Race Director for all the hard work the Club put in today. Setting up in the rain was not great but everyone just cracked on and got the job done. Everyone played their part including members great kids that helped out on the medals and clearing up afterwards. The feed back I got from the first few back was very good and said it went well apart from the wind. Thanks to all those that baked cakes and to June, Mel, Denise and the team for their great service and they managed to raise £245.68 which is over half we took last year with more runners and better weather so a great effort. 

Ben Smith was the first over the line in a time of 33:30 and the First Lady was Kate Reed 36:16, for the Club our first Runner was Mat Sparks in a great time of 44:20, great running for a young man. Our First Lady was Caroline Lindsay Clark in 58:46. We had Steve Lye running as the 45 min pacer and Lindsay the 60 min and Adam and Jo sweeping at the back. Sadly some Cars on the route didn't bother slowing down but all the marshals did a great job and we has no incidents and St Johns were not needed. 

We now turn to our first 1 of 6 Summer 5k Series on Wednesday evening so can I ask you all for the same great support for Graham and Lindsay. 


Once again a big thanks for today  

Club Championship

From Lesley: At last I've updated the 2023 Club Championships Table as it stands after Yeovil Half Marathon. Please look at it and let me know of any discrepancies, particularly the Yeovil Half as there were so many of you running, so I may have missed someone (or even added someone who isn't a member!). Well done to you all and those new to the table have plenty of time to complete enough races to qualify. The next race is Butleigh which is Sunday (16th) and there is still time to enter so what are waiting for. The link for the Rules etc can be found on the website.  

From Me: I will add a link when I put the Tables on the website.

Park Runs

From Taryn:  At Frogmary Green Farm parkrun my #195, with Easter bunny ears on- the only one! my support team appreciated them - I think! Great conditions except the large puddle before the grass Bank climb- someone lost their wellington boot there! Sunshine was lovely.

Happy Easter all

From Lesley: Beautiful weather for Weymouth's Parkrun this morning through Lodmoor. A massive PB for Tony, knocking 40 secs off and running at a consistent pace. I would like to say it was my pacing but although I ran with him he set the pace throughout . A few of us today - Robert, Simon, Adam, Corinne, Daphne and Kim. Good brekkie after as usual of course.

From Paul: Street Parkrun this morning. My first at Street and Rach’s first Parkrun ever. Well done Rach, not the easiest Parkrun course to start on. I was the sole Yeovil Town RRC representative. (Actually Graham (63) and Haiden (1) Watts were there) Rach representing Langport. Pleased with being only 4 seconds off my 5K PB, official time of 21:20 and 5th overall.



Hi Everyone I really appreciate the signed (by you lovely runners) get well card that Phil Mac Quaid dropped in yesterday thanks I can feel the love! Hopefully I will be back soon

Two Race Weekend

From Margarita: Two races this weekend. A fast 10km in Exeter and a slow trail race in Peterstow. Fast Friday was exactly that. But the trail run was slow and steady. A 1.5 mile course which I had 4 laps of, including a vineyard and up and down hills, glad it was dry. Cracking Easter medal.


From Mark: There were 10 tonight and four in the not so fast group (Sue, JC, Rob, and myself). Having not planned an off road route, we ran the loop around the lanes, this time going anti-clockwise. We ran down to North Cadbury via Sandbrook lane, then to Woolston via Woolston road. We then ran towards Yarlington but turned left before reaching the village. At Yarlington Mill farm, we turned right and ran the windy undulating lane passing the manor house back to Galhampton. Conditions were dry and sunny, and it was a pleasant run. Nice food again afterwards. Thanks Phil for organising.

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