Bring Back the Sun

Bring Back the Sun

Released On 16th Jul 2023

The Piddle Wood Plod 10k

From Jo: Ladies Day - There was mud, there were hills & there was cider - gentlemen you had no excuses .

The Piddle Wood Plod 10k saw a fantastic contingent of Green & white ladies today all looking forward to the hills, the mud & maybe the rain. Well actually, it was really the cakes & the children’s hand crafted medals that enticed us for this one .

What can I say, as soon as I realised it was following the Herepath half route I was concerned .

It was actually a really nice 10k trail run with just the one horrible hill that they make you do twice . We were very lucky with the weather & the force was strong in all of us, all finish with very respectable times. The Marshalls were great, the three piece band we passed twice were lovely & the hand crafted by children medals & the bottle of cider were very much appreciated. A lovely morning was had by all.


Sue Mallinson


Mel Cox

Caroline Clark

Lots of Claire’s

Anita & Sharon

Exe Estuary

From Margarita: So when I say I don't like coast paths I really mean I don't like coast paths, so what do I do. I sign up to a race with a coast path, not only that it's a half marathon. July's half was Winding Paths Exe Estuary - Topsham to Budleigh Salterton and the last 5 miles on the coast path. Did I hate it? No. Would I do it again? Probably. Will I still not like coast paths? Absolutely. Managed to finish it under three hours without getting lost or falling off a cliff, so overcame my biggest fears and it didn't rain, but it was very windy!. Now time for a cool down.


Weekend Running

Some photos this weekend.

Park Runs

From Adam: Windy wet but really beautiful Tamar Lakes Park Run - one lap on gravel paths, parking, toilets and cafe - recommend!

From Steve: A bit of park run tourism for Kate and I today when we ran Lymington. A nice course of 3 laps around playing fields and through gardens…bonus photos of the local wildlife.

PUB RUN – GALHAMPTON – (13TH July 2023)

From Mark: Notwithstanding the diversion of A303 traffic through Queen Camel, a good number managed to get to Galhampton on time for the Pub Run. There were five in the not so fast group (Elie, Kelly, JC, Rob, and myself). The faster group was larger tonight, and it was nice to see a return of some old regulars (Kev B, and Mark P). I don’t know any off-road routes round Galhampon, and reports say the area is often overgrown in any case. Therefore we ran one of the usual road loops tonight. We ran a 5.5 mile clockwise loop covering the manor house, Yarlington Mill farm, Woolston, North Cadbury, and Sandbrook lane. We stopped to see a water wheel, I had run past many times but had not known was there. The run was followed by dinner and some quality conversation.

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