

Released On 26th Aug 2023

Baltonsborough 5 Miler

From Jo: Fantastic turn out by the green & whites today at the local Baltonsborough 5 miler. Some there for points but most there for a hat . The weather was kind to us & there was a great team spirit . The group picture is attempt two to make sure we had everyone . Everyone came across the line smiling with some great times posted. A few special mentions - Paul Card & Harriet Quast both bagging themselves first in their age categories. Adam completing his first local 5 mile event with a smile on his face & Triss Samuel who may have missed a couple of pictures while he popped off for a hotdog & for hitting 3087 steps, all before 12:30 .

Great team effort & everyone did an amazing job.

From Margarita: A local race today with the Baltonsborough 5 miles and managed a pb today. I quite like this race but I forgot how undulating it was, a lovely downhill at the end though. A good turn out from the club and well supported.

Sunday Runs and Monday

From Anita: "Do you fancy doing a 10 mile run on Monday?" Said Sharon. "Oh that would be good as I'm not able to go out over the weekend due to family camping." "Great see you at 09.30 so no rush, Tim and Honey will join us part way round and then Tim will drive us back." So plan sorted.

So I arrived at said time, "Oh hi shall we do 12 miles instead?" Said Sharon. "OK" said I.

So off we went, it was rather muggy and the dark storm clouds loomed overhead, several miles passed by as we chatted, we spotted some wild (probably escaped domestic) birds (I'm thinking partridge?) on the way. The lanes were lined with blackberries and it was rude not to eat a few. Several more miles passed by, then Tim and the ever energetic Honey met us, sooner than anticipated as I gather Rob had been on a mission having been told to get home for 12. Tim also brought addition supplies of jelly babies and fluids which was greatly appreciated.

Then the last few miles to go, Tim and Honey bobbing off then appearing at different places, Honey finding all the puddles and enjoying a dip in the pool by the weir where she had a standoff with a swan.

As we approached the final turn, Sharon said she wasn't too sure about doing the 12, and we could just go straight back, no said I we'll be fine. 100yards after turning Sharon is telling me well we have to run passed Tim as otherwise we'll be short on distance! So around the track we go to make sure we hit the target.

A lovely morning out, keeping each other going along the way, while chatting and putting the world to rights as you do in good company.

That's what this club is all about.

From Sarah: Great to cheer on Joanna and Nat at the Swim, Bike, Run today. It’s the last Sunday of every month for anyone that’s interested. Great local event.

From Mags: Great route today for trail gang, courtesy of Gareth Davies thanks guys for your company and making each mile enjoyable. 20miles in the bag.

From Mark: Slow and Steady Sunday Run in Lynne's group


European Triathlon Multisport Championships.         Frans Result

From Yunmi: Congratulations, Frances! You have done it again!! European Triathlon Multisport Championships in Menen, Belgium today.

What a strong smiley finish! Whatever the weather, you just do it!! Amazing once again.

Park Runs

From Triss: Happy 100th Parkrun June Moule! You smashed it Thank you for the lovely cakes!

From Steve: Park run tourism for Kate and I this morning. We travelled to Tarmar lakes last night and stayed in the van on the campsite.

We were directly under the flight path of the Canadian geese who were honking all night 🪿

The park run starts next to the campsite so there was no excuse for being late. The first challenge was however to make sure that the van got under the low height barrier- fortunately we just squeezed under!! (most pointless thing ever!)

The park run is one anti clockwise lap of the lake on gravel tracks. Mostly flat with a slight rise through a wooded section and a very nice course.

After a quick pit stop we’re off to do some more of the coast path.

PUB RUN – SHEPTON BEAUCHAMP – (24th August 2023)

From Mark: There were seven in the not so fast group tonight (JC, Elie, Kelly, Louise, two Rachaels, and myself). I led a simple clockwise loop along country lanes, with a bright sun low in the sky. Leaving the pub we ran eastwards through the village and out to the edge of West Lambrook. Turning right at Picken bridge we then headed south. At Meadowlea farm we stopped for photos. Some dogs were barking from the farm. Turning left we then had a short run through Compton Durville. Turning left at the other end we then ran the undulating lane to South Petherton, where we turned right and ran up Carey’s Hollow. We climbed out of semi-darkness to open ground and ran past Frogmary. At Fouts Cross we rested, and waited for two large tractors to pass. Turning right we then headed along Shapway back towards West Lambrook, but turned left. Littlefields lane was narrow and rutted and took us back to Shepton Beauchamp. With a right turn we ran through the village back to the pub. Tonight, Guy led a fast group, who stopped off at a remote church somewhere. There was also another not so fast group led by Alison, and Phil running alone. Thanks Phil for organising. I found my pub food tonight was excellent.

St Marys Church

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