

Released On 25th Feb 2024

Babcary 7.5

From Lindsay: Babcary 7.5 miler today, a good undulating road race, and a championship/points race. Very damp run but lots of ups and downs (thank goodness). Parking in the field was a bit of a challenge for some but it's safe to say we made it out. The start is on an uphill but we dug deep and it soon warmed us up and the good thing to know is the finish is downhill for half a mile. Can't say I enjoyed it as my love for running is not there at the moment but I got it done and according to Strava my 2nd best 5k and 10k times lol. Good to see lots of people from the club including Mr Chairman @rabbitspawsw and the retired chairman Malcolm maxted, and other club members.

Club Championship 

From Lesley: Championship race change!! I have just been told that Pen Selwood 10k is on the 14th April, NOT 7th. This means that it clashes with Butleigh 10k. As some may have already entered both I'll leave them both in as championship races. There are a couple other duplications during the year which will make the championships more exciting. I'll update the list again and get it on the website shortly. Well done to all doing Babcary this morning. You've got a few weeks before the next championship race which is Yeovil half marathon on 24th March. Keep running.

Weekend Running

From Tim: Great running on Saturday morning from Cavity Trays. We did our regular Monty Odcombe route and kept our feet dry by sticking to the roads. Well done Denise Byrd on picking up loads of achievements. Wasn’t far enough for Gemma Murley and Chris Greengrow who carried on afterwards to gain 10 miles

From Richard:  A good turnout this morning for the marathon training group at Yeovilton, a real mix of distance with some running up to 20 miles, and varying paces with the speedsters really putting in a hard session at good pace today. Last long run today for Jeff Watson who is the first of the group to hit marathon day when he goes to Rome in 3 weeks, so it’s taper time for him from next week.

The weather was even kind, whilst it was very chilly with a bitter wind the forecast rain didn’t materialise until just after we’d finished!

From Helen: Sunday 10 miler group - Trent loop in reverse was actually quite enjoyable well done all nice to have Kevin back joining us, and also Fez joining us today. Cheers to the support cyclist Robert too! Massive well done to Paul and Rach completing 10miles before our 10 - 20 in total . Of course we needed to refuel after with coffee, and my mint Australian crunch this week.

Sly the Dragon 10 k

From Beata: Sly the Dragon 10 k ; great running guys although the conditions were challenging with lots of mud and hills on the way . Slow me at 28 weeks now so just for the finishers.

Park Runs

From Adam: Itchen Valley Country parkrun - very wet, extremely muddy, winding technical course through woodland. Not a PB course! Great fun - many thanks to all the marshals etc.

From Louise: Doing Ashton Court Park Run today took me back many years! In 1985 aged 20 I randomly entered a 10k run here having done no training and just a little running at school. I probably thought 'how hard can it be'. I remember it being challenging and exhausting and it put me off running altogether, so much so that I didn't run at all for another 28 years!! I'm pleased to say I really enjoyed it today and won't leave it another 28 years . Whilst I am grateful to Jo Samuel for driving us today I am even more grateful that in 2014 the very same person recommended YTRRC as being a very social, supportive running club. It certainly is and a whole lot more. I feel very blessed to be part of it and to be able to spend time in the company of the many wonderful people that make up this club (whether it involves running or not! )

From Taryn: A colder showery start to todays frogMary parkrun eve.


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