A Very Busy Long Weekend

A Very Busy Long Weekend

Released On 26th May 2024

Manchester Half

From Lesley:  This weekend took us on a trip to Manchester where Tony & I did the Oldham parkrun on Saturday morning which was a lovely 3-lap course in Alexandra Park (the only park outside London that the Queen held a garden party apparently). (A lady enjoyed partaking this info to us tourists). We had a lovely meal in our hotel on Saturday night where Nikki and Simon joined us . Sunday morning off we went to the England Masters gazebo for a group photo, then on to the start of the half marathon where, as England runners we were allowed to start at the front of the pack. The weather was kind to us as we were expecting heavy rain, which thankfully didn't materialise

We were both happy with our times - Nikki doing an amazing 01:40:40 and I came in at 02:00:24. Now Tony & I are off to North Wales for a few days.

Wells Festival of Running 10k

From Jo: So only two green & whites out at Wells Festival of Running 10k this morning. We got there nice & early & basked in the morning sunshine. Shame it didn’t finish that way, well for me anyway!! Debbie Rennard finished in a very respectable 55ish minutes (official times not yet available) so beat the thunder, lightning & rain storm. Me, because I am slower & still tired from my race last night, although I finished just in time, I didn’t quite make it back to race HQ in time!! That is why I look soaking wet in our medal photo!! I am not going to lie, I walked the hill, twice, walked through the water station & stopped to take some photos . Debbie on the other hand smashed it despite still having a nasty cough. This is a great local race & I would always recommend it

Great West Half

From Kirsty: Exeter Half marathon. Completed in 2:03:07. Nice goody bag and T shirt for our efforts.

From Margarita: This months half was the Great West Half in Exeter. I did this once a couple of years ago and my mission was to achieve a better time which I was successful in. The race started hot, about halfway through there was a torrential downpour and then the sun came back out, a very hilly run.

Egdon Easy 10k.               Full Results

From Ann: Had the most amazing evening running the egdon easy. Was so great to see all the yeovil runners, got a new pb really proud of seeing im still not there yet , the course was so nice and mostly flat . Thank you to my children and Chris Holt for the amazing photos and there support .

From Graham: Well done to everyone who ran in the Egdon Easy 10k tonight. Rain just held off before the race finished.

Park Runs

From Lesley: A beautiful morning for Oldham parkrun. Although 3-laps it's a lovely undulating course around Alexandra Park, passing a lake and on the third lap diverting up through woodland. Everyone was very friendly and a lady asked me if I wanted to know some useless info about the park and went on to tell me that the park was the only one outside London that the Queen had held a garden party . That's our 'O' completed for the parkrun alphabeteer.

From Helen: Beautiful morning for Frogmary Parkrun well done all!

Town Tree Trail Race.          Results

From Adam: Many, many thanks to everyone who helped with, took part and supported today’s successful Town Tree Trail Race. Without your support the event would not be possible.



From Mark:  There were five of us in the not so fast group tonight (Louise, Jo, June, JC, and myself). I led us round a figure of eight course, which was partly lanes and partly off-road. The sky was grey, and it felt cool. Leaving the pub we ran through Carlton Adam, and down Chessels lane. We then continued down Ridgeway lane which is a straight track and was fairly muddy in places. Turning right, we crossed three fields just to the north of Lytes Cary house, and came out on the Ilchester road. Following the road north, we took a left fork, and followed Cary lane (an overgrown, muddy track) up to the church at Charlton Mackrell. Church bells were ringing. After a short photo stop, we turned left and ran along the road towards Somerton. Turning right, the path took us through sheep and past the Court. Next we ran through the village up to the village hall, then back down to the war memorial. Turning left, we crossed two fields and passed a small grey horse. Continuing eastwards, a darkened path took us to fields for the final leg back to the pub.

With Phil, Fez, and Adam, there were eight of us for the pub meal. Thanks Phil for organising.