A Trip to Weymouth

A Trip to Weymouth

Released On 17th Mar 2024

Rome Marathon

From Jeff:  Rome is a beautiful city, especially in the hot sun that was today. The marathon though is somewhat more challenging, certainly for me today.

A few things from my experience, not the best organization at the start, bag drop etc compared to other city marathons I've done. Although the construction work going on at the entrance to the start zone probably didn't help.

Only the four waves to start, so quite congested initially, lots of walkers and even a lady running with her dog . The dog did have his own trainers on! We run toward and around the coleseum. Only one side of the Streets are closed another reason for the congestion. Approx 8km before i finally get into a bit of rhythm. The route certainly takes you around the tourist locations. Impressive running up to the Vatican and the St Peter Basilica is stunning, also taking in trevi fountain, Spanish steps and Navona Piazza before heading back toward the coleseum on cobbled roads for the finish line.

Lots of international runners. I even met Craig from Brighton, who had a tale to tell about Bungy when running Lanzerote marathon. You made him buy a beer during the marathon

Thanks very much to Mafalda Santos , I'm truly grateful for her support, 4 sightings on route today .

Overall not the finish time I had hoped, but a fantastic place to visit and now I've recovered, I feel that I did enjoy it

Now off to celebrate St Patrick's Day for a deserved drink.

Craig with the long hair, he brought me a beer in Lanzarote and mile 23 on my 200th and we sat and drank as runners went by...

Weekend Running

From Mandy: Sunday group 10 miles @ 10 minute pace. Good run round yeovil. The rain stopped before we started and we had sun. Well done everyone.


Red Warrior MT 20k

From Rob: A good day out at Pembrey sands today. Sadly no prizes for second place but still happy with the finish position.

Bungy Williams Birthday Pub Run

From Phil:  Thur 21st March

For those that missed it Change of venue for Bungy'y Birthday Pub Run

Numbers Limited

Running from the “Lamb & Lark” Limington BA22 8EG

It’s the Pubs Help yourself Curry Night. Due to the expected turnout the pub need to know the numbers attending If you do not want curry can you check the menu & let me know your selection.

The original list stands

Weymouth Half

From Jo: So it was never going to be fast & it was never going to be pretty considering it has been over 6 months when I last ran a half but happy with how it went today. Driving down there was awful & I thought it was going to be a very wet one but the rain stopped right on que as we assembled at the start. The park section was very muddy in places (thanks Graham Still for the warning), & the route was much hillier than I expected but overall, ver enjoyable. Great to see other green & whites out there

From Margarita: March's Half Marathon was Weymouth and lovely to see some of the club there. Well done to everyone! Also, Graham Still got first in his age category. The weather was rainy to start with and we all thought it'd be a soggy race but the rain stopped before the start. A lovely run along the sea front, shame the park was very muddy. But a good course with a bit of undulation. And still managed to get my second fastest half.