A Trip to Dorset

A Trip to Dorset

Released On 30th Apr 2023

NDVM and Relay

From Matt:  Race Report - North Dorset Villages Marathon and Relay

Three teams became a more select two teams, and then there were the odd people running the full distance...make your own mind up about how the word "odd" fits in there! This included Paul Card and Gareth Davies who were hoping for very fast times, and also Harriet Quast and Lynne Tea who had more achievable targets in mind...Georgina Brice was also running (some will remember her from old YTRRC membership), completing her 140th marathon! 

In preparation, Lindsay Saunders reminded us to wear our fanny packs (or something like that), and then we all trotted out to the start in a side road next to the school.

Bang went the gun, and a 100m uphill sprint got us away - Leg 1 runners were Matt Driver and Tim Willis who marvelled at the marathoners running faster than us who were only doing seven miles. Leg 1 is the hardest and include 12 hills that are all upwards, with no downhill at all. I think it also did an unnecessary loop of the whole of Dorset making Tim and I the heroes of the hour. After that Legs 2, 3, and 4 were uneventful - end of report!

Oh all right then...although much of what follows is mere hearsay as I'd done my bit (I suppose I could describe the car journey).

Anyway...when we saw runners at the changeovers everything seemed to be on the runners side with excellent paces being run. Nicki Guiver and Sharon Hardy ran leg 2 very speedily, although Paul Card was still the YTRRC lead runner, and enjoyed the cooling misty rain that sprinkled down lightly.

Leg 3 saw action from Graham Richard Still and Lindsay Saunders, but it was good to find Graham ahead of Paul having chased him down. Paul can apparently identify Graham by the sound his feet make - Have they spent too long together???

Leg 3 is a quiet leg as its in the middle of nowhere and in small lanes. No doubt the noise level increased as Lindsay ran through (!), but many said it was quite a lonely section.

So on to leg 4 and the glory leg as finishers take the applause whether they've run the whole 26 or just the last 7miles.

Simon Rowbottom (Club Treasurer) held off the charging Paul Card and finished the last gravelled path in fine style. Paul smashed an amazing 3:10 (approx) having hoped for an untrained 3:15 , so forget track from now on, no training is the new black! Stephen Warren finished for the 2nd Yeovil team showing his fitness is coming on leaps and bounds! 

Gareth Davies did 3:35:04 and bemoaned the extra distance over 26.2 as if it had been accurate he'd have a sub 3:35, but amazingly well done anyway! 

Other club friends included Gill Pearson, whose team (I'm not naming R4T here! ) did well in the Ladies Relay, and Chloe Warner, among others, running with "Mums on the run"!

As an event it's really well organised with good aid stations, changeovers cleverly positioned, Tee for everyone, medal for marathoners, and even free sponsors yoghurt at the end - and free BEER!!!!

While conditions were great for running, it got cold quite quickly, so apologies from those of us who had to go, hopefully those not mentioned will have finished by the time you read this and will have achieved their targets.

Matt, Nikki, Graham and Simon did manage to get Third Best Mixed Relay Team, and while the title isn't what we came for, the chocolate oatcakes, beer and engraved coaster are sitting nicely waiting to be enjoyed later! 

To paraphrase John Bingham - The miracle isn't that you finished, it's that you had the courage to start!

From Lynne: Today was nearly 10 years to the day that I ran my first marathon at North Dorset Villages . Grateful to still be able to run marathons , ok slower , but number 207 today in the bag. Seemed just the ticket to run NDVM today , thinking of so many good friends who shared the running journey , given advice , abuse, but just happy to be part of the very large running family.

There was a relay as well but no write up.


From Graham: 3rd pace in the mixed relay team at the North Dorset villages marathon relay race. Strong running by the whole team.

The Bluebell Bash trail 10K

From Claire:  The Bluebell Bash trail 10K somewhere in deepest darkest Dorset. A choice of 3 routes, 5K, 10K and 1/2

A slightly chaotic registration and start (not sure they were expecting so many runners!) resulting in no official 10K start! Putting that behind us, it was a lovely (undulating) trail route through some stunning scenery, through woods full of bluebells and across the fields of rapeseed.

Only one from YTRRC but I got adopted by a group of Verwood runners! Really friendly race and one I’d do again.

The Worthing Half

From Margarita: The one where I wasn't feeling it from 2km in and had to have several talks to myself. But I got it done and second fastest half!! Supporting Yeovil today and when Yeovil was called out when I crossed the line I got excited hence the pose. A really good flat half marathon along the sea front, a few out and backs, really good weather a mix between hot and windy. Had a good day and a fab medal too.

The Tour 10k

From Claire: Started uphill…long and gradual up through the high street (had no idea what to expect as not a regular to Glastonbury) but all the locals knew what was coming. Surprisingly the first 2 miles went quite quick. Then on to lovely scenic country lanes, flat but with a bit of undulation. Pace felt good today apart from reaching the last run in….very sharp ascent up Fishers Hill. Again, the locals knew what was coming! Nice downhill the other side where everyone was cheering in ‘Sue’ who was next to me….apparently the wife of a local police man

Come on ‘Sue’ ….oh…Come on ‘Yeovil’ said a few I found I was cheering her in myself The rain started just in the last 10 mins of my run so perfect timing

Park Runs

From Ali: Frogmary Green Farm parkrun this morning. A few of the Yeovil Town Runners. A lovely warm morning after the mist lifted and hardly any mud.

From Jo: Lots of smiling YTRRC faces at todays The Great Field parkrun.



Hope you are doing well?

Sending the May code in time to make the most of the discount, over the bank holiday's we having coming up!

The new code for the month of May is - JRSWH2 - valid until 3rd of June 2023 - giving you 10% off the whole range on orders and free standard shipping, worth £4.99 on all orders over £50.

Please make sure to select United Kingdom in your shipping address to apply the promotion code without errors. Should you come across the “country-iso” error in checkout, you will need to check you have set up a correct UK shipping address, please.

All the best

Somerset Inter-area Primary Schools Cross Country - this Wednesday 3rd May - Yeovil Rec

Any help any time between 3.00 and 6.00pm gratefully received.

Town Tree Trail preparation - Monday 8th May - from 12.00pm. Help needed clearing the trail please

Town Tree Trail Race: YTRRC members are very welcome to take part - it is a club championship and Somerset series race. Entries through Fullonsport or on the day. However if you can't or don't wish to run we do need lots of marshals etc - please let me know if you can help




From Mark: Sue led the not so fast group tonight on a mostly off road route, but I can’t write it up as due to a cough I ran a shorter route with Alison and Rachael instead. Leaving the pub we ran through the village and into Carey’s hollow. We climbed onto open ground and ran past Frogmary up to Fouts Cross. Turning right we then ran along Shapway to Compton Durville. I ran an extra bit through the village and passed Phil. I caught up with the others back in South Petherton, and ran a second extra bit to make it up to four miles. I think eleven stayed to eat, and the food was good. Thanks Phil for organising.

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