A Nice Day for a Run

A Nice Day for a Run

Released On 15th Sep 2023

School Cross Country

From Adam: 

Yeovil Primary Schools Cross Country - Event 1

Wednesday 27th September - Yeovil Rugby Club

Any help, any time between 2.00 and 4.00 gratefully appreciated.

Around 400 children expected

Future events:

Event 2: Aldon Hill - Wednesday 18th October

Event 3: Yeovil Town Football Club - Wednesday 1st November

Oldbury 10 Miler

From Andy:  YTRRC goes Nuclear at the Oldbury 10 mile road race. Very flat country roads taking a figure of eight route starting and ending at the old Magnox power station. Weather quite good up to 7 miles then the rain came down (should've gone faster!) Finished on 2:04 .. not last and 1st Green and and white across the line.

Glastonbury Level 10 Miler

From Donna: So what happened here then you might wonder? We both entered Glastonbury Level 10 miler. After the thunderstorms during the night we did wonder what the weather was going to be like. We arrived at 10am with cloudy but dry weather, how lucky we thought. We went to collect our numbers and had a photo before going around to the start at 10.30am. There was only about 50 doing the 10miler. We started on our run and stayed together for about 3 miles then I snook in behind Mel. We knew at 10.50am that the 10k runners were starting (over 90 in that group). We had to run along a flat as a pancake road the heavens soon opened up and there were puddles everywhere. We had looped back at this point and our shoes were soaking wet. On the 2nd loop we thought we were running back with the 10k ers but this was not the case. We ran further up the road through more puddles before we got to loop back the rain was awful at this point . We both got PB's Mel came in at 1hr 40 mins and I came in at 1hr 46 mins. We were both very grateful that we had worn our caps. Now I quite like running in the rain but sadly the rain was just too much.

Worcester Half Marathon

From Margarita: So today I took the Yeovil Town race vest to Worcester for the Worcester City Half Marathon. It was a cool and dry day, perfect conditions for running and no rain or RAIN in sight. This was a very loop driven race and very undulating, but I absolutely loved it. So many routes around the city. And the best bit was I got my PB on my half marathon, my 10km and my 5km. Absolutely buzzing.

Chippenham Half Marathon

From Lindsay: So Chippenham half marathon happened today. This is my bestie Kelly White that I met 22 years ago when we turned up at a library in Clevedon to start our cabin crew training and we have been besties ever since, so it only seemed right to join her/support her for her 1st marathon and she absolutely smashed it. It started at Chippenham sports club and was very well supported.. Marshalls dotted everywhere and lots of water stations as it was a muggy day. What a great course, mostly flat with a couple of very slight hills. The finish is in the field at the sports club with lots of things going on. It was so nice to support my friend who has wanted to do this for so long and I could not be prouder and was very touched to be part of her special moment. Ps first Yeovil lady in, as I was the only Yeovil club member there lol xx

Cheddar Gorge Half Marathon

From Matt: Cheddar Gorge Half Marathon", or "There and Back Again"...or has that title already been taken??? 

A beautiful orange/red sunrise with a lovely rainbow meant torrential rain, so popped into Shepton Tesco but they don't sell pac-a-macs at this time of year.

Parked up nice and early and the car-park has the most disgraceful loos I've seen in a long time, even before I did anything!

Walked through the town up a part of the Gorge to the start point and huddled under a marquee until the start briefing while it continued to pour with rain.

Then we were off!

Six miles uphill through misty rain, then turn left towards Priddy, wade through a flood, and then a short section on a grassy field to make up the distance to half way. Back through the flood and then six miles downhill - not as easy as its sounds. I need more practice running long downhill. My quads, thighs, knees, ankles calves and feet hurt along with my hips. Otherwise it was fine!

1:58:41 by my watch, and a negative split! Although the official results aren't released yet, I'm claiming first YTRRC!

Then it was a quick trip home and a recovery session of shovelling a ton of wood chippings for my darling wife - bless her and the horses!

Another Relish Running event fantastically organised once again. I thoroughly recommend them for events next year, with most events close to Bath, so they're only half hour to an hour away.

Lastly, have my selfies improved? Not sure about the casual stance...


Bungy Williams, can you edit my race report because I only had rain, whereas anyone who ran today will have had RAIN!!!!

Park Runs

From Jo: A good show from Yeovil Town RRC at todays Frogmary Green Farm parkrun considering the miserable weather. Still quite mild & stayed reasonably dry on route. Lost more mud than I anticipated so for me will park this one till summer returns.

Night Run

From Matt: Hi all, This is an advert for the series relating to the Night Run many of us did last year. I fully recommend it to those who missed out. At the moment I'm not able to plan that far ahead, so I'm not planning to group book us to any single event - maybe someone else wants that job?

PUB RUN – CHARLTON ADAM – (14TH September 2023)

From Mark: There were 8 of us in the not so fast group tonight (Sandra, Paul, Rachael, JC, Mel, Chloe, myself, and a new Phil). Leaving the pub on a sunny evening, we ran westwards into the village, and then south to Chessels lane. Going off-road we then continued south running along Ridgeway Lane which is a track. Before reaching the Fosse Way (A37), we turned right and entered a field where photos were taken. The bleached crop of wheat made an unusual background. We crossed 3 fields and reached the Ilchester road which actually goes to Lytes Cary first. Turning right and heading north, we ran up the narrow lane. As we forked left, going off-road, church bells rang ahead as we ran up Cary Lane (track). When we reached the church, the bells stopped. We turned left, then right, to run the path past the court. Turning left we ran up through Charlton Mackrell and back down passing the War memorial. We turned left and ran across a field passing horses. We continued eastward along roads to the south of Charlton Adam. The final leg was off-road crossing fields before coming back to the pub. Thanks all it was a nice run. Thanks Phil for organising.

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