A Muddy Day

A Muddy Day

Released On 21st May 2023

Wessex Ridgway

Report to follow

Well done everyone, 4th team home!!

Camelot Challenge

From Tim: 

Mick Elstone, Nolan Lewis and I arrived at the Gryphon School, we'd arrived early so we could be first at something today, thinking we were going to be the only club representatives but no Matt Driver and Sarah drove in, turned around and drove out only to come back closer to the start time. Then we saw Kirsty Norman, Nat Robins and Kate Hayden. We were all doing the half and then Sandra Levett, doing the 10K with her friend and dog.

Nice late start of 10 AM but the temperature was rising as we ran up Red Hole Lane up to the Golf course. Lots of barging as Nolan, Mike and I chased the youngsters up but the field soon opened up and there was room to move and chat. Reached the 10K cut off and most of the youngsters disappeared as we then realised they where only doing the shorter route. On to Sutton Montis then a climb up to Cadbury Castle. From there on it was mainly off road and very 'undulating' until we reached the Ridgway. Beautiful views and felt like stopping to admire but no onwards and upwards. Yes upwards to the Beacon. I thought it must be some downhill soon and yes there was, an ankle breaking track down into Corton Denham. Skirted around Holway Hill hoping we don't have to climb that one. Instead we turned right up again towards Higher Clatcombe passing to Golfers and back down Red Hole Lane to the finish.

For the Half

Nolan Lewis was first for the club followed by Mick Elstone and Tim Willistogether, no not holding hands, Kate Hayden was first Yeovil lady then Kirsty Norman and Nat Robins. Matt Driver walked it with Sarah and said it took the about 5 hours with 3 hours 20 in the pub half way round.

For the 10K Sandra Levett was first for Yeovil.

Good medal, T shirt and cake at the end.

Well done all on a hot, hilly and dusty trail run.

Worcester 10km

From Margarita: Today's race was the Worcester 10km, so what can I say about this run. Well it was hot. First 5km was along the towpath, then came the hills on the second half. Overall a good race.

Yeovilton 5k series update

From Graham: Due to the 2nd race being cancelled for obvious reasons, we’re going to reschedule this race for the 6th September - there will now be 2 races in September. We appreciate this rescheduled date might not be ideal for some, however with the school holidays on the horizon and limited light late in September we believe this is the best date.

We’ll be in touch with any additional updates, thank you for your cooperation.

Our thoughts are with all the neighbouring villages that have been severely effected by the recent floods.

Its looking highly unlikely we'll be able to use the Nuffield building due to the damged caused, however we're working around trying to sort toilets, electric etc before the next race.

I have posted the above on various FB pages, so please don't copy and paste if you have seen the above on a 'running page'.

We'll keep the club updated as we know more....

Stourhead 10k

From Sarah: After track, then pushing it a bit at Stourhead, and then who the hell puts a finish line up a stupid hill!! So yes, I was dying crossing that finish line . Go on, show me your worst race photos, I think this is one I may win. Awesome race mind, if you haven’t done Stourhead 10k before you should, just leave some for the end.

Dorset Mud Run

From Matt: Some blame Anita Garrett. Some blame Eleanor Ellie Damon. Others have only themselves to blame.

The sun shone brightly in a cloudless azure sky as one by one our intrepid heroes arrived. Tension in the air was obvious as many trips to the facilities were made, while over everything towered a huge air filled monolith with an icy pool of water below.

As the time grew near and the local church bells tolled their doom, a fellowship of nine had formed and vowed to follow each other come what may.


That's basically what came may...MUD.

It started off with a few tyres to step over and everyone laughed when Matt said he was "tyred", and then groaned when he said "two tyred"..and then it got serious.

Shovelling people over wooden barriers almost ended it there, but teamwork ensued and onto the cargo net...some struggled on the right hand side and heights became higher once you were atop, but perseverance and guts overcame, and then into the woods for a short running section...I know...running!!! Its like we came from a running club!!!

I shan't bore you with a full "running commentary", thanks Daniel Stephen James McFarlane for that joke! Suffice to say it was generally over, under, through, or eat, as much mud as possible. See the brilliant Ritchie Greengrow for his 131 photos, and others on the YTRRC posts, but a couple of obstacles stood out for me...

The muddy ditch cargo net and Denise Byrd rolling like an upside down turtle with first her feet caught, and then her hair clip caught - hilarious

The various farm pools of stinking water to wade through, with rope pulls to get out with - bleugh! Although the lake we had to swim across was quite nice, comparatively!

The slippery mud ditches were crazy...they really ought to let kids do this - definitely character building!

26 obstacles in all and not one was missed. Everyone had a go, and if they got stuck, everyone else mucked in (literally) and got them past. Maybe a few knocks, bruises, and sore bits but all good

At the finish awaited the monolith...A steep 30ft climb up a rope with just netting to provide minimal grip for the feet. It was tough! Sharon Hardy taught me some new words that mummy says I shouldn't use, but she showed real determination in getting to the top - Tim Willis, she deserves a bit of tender care (or a glass of wine) this evening!

A prize should go to Anita Garrett - first to lose a shoe - I mean, that trainer was more yellow mud than trainer! Yuck!

I don't often get to run with Anita Farquhar Rufus,Chris Greengrow, Denise Byrd, Eleanor Ellie Damon, Gemma Murley, Katie Stokes, Sharon Hardy, Taryn Monks, but thanks to them, I had a great time and I'd do it again with them all...although my shoulders say I need to leave it for a while!

Lastly, we were first YTRRC team!

...and when Denise got out the jammy doughnuts...mmm

Park Runs

From Jo: Fantastic turn out at Weymouth parkrun today, club members friends & family.

From June: Some park run tourism this weekend. Krakow was a lovely flat route all on proper paths that skirted the park. Music, Sweets, biscuits, cake and tea at the finish. Well supported with 355 runners.

From Claire: Some Parkrun tourism today! Highbridge and Burnham. Lovely route along the river Brue and out onto the Esplanade. Overheard a few people saying how much they had enjoyed the Town Tree Trail race on Wednesday!

Town Tree Trail.           Full Results

From Adam: Many thanks to all the wonderful people who helped with today’s successful Town Tree Trail Race - marshals, water stops, refreshments, entries, results, car parking, finish etc etc.

Also well done to all who took part - I hope you enjoyed the experience!!

PUB RUN – STOFORD (18TH May 2023)

From Mark: There were eight of us in the not so fast group tonight and the route was improvised and led by June. Leaving the pub in sunshine we headed down Hooper’s lane, and went off road at the corner. Crossing the A37, we continued across a series of fields. This meant struggling around crops, and navigating some overgrown broken styles and dodgy footbridge crossings. The last field was good and we reached the road near Netherton farm. We came out opposite the reservoir, and looking at the map now I think we strayed from the public path. Turning left we ran to a point with a nice view over the water. Continuing, we re-crossed the A37 and ran towards Ryme Intrinseca. Before reaching the village we turned left and went off road again. The track passed Frankham farm and went round the edge of Clifton Wood. Again looking at the map I think we strayed from the public path. We reached Cowpool farm, and ran past a black cat sat in the middle of the track. We reached the road to Clifton Maybank. The plan to go off road up to Yeovil Junction station and back was abandoned for a shorter run. So we just turned left and ran back to the pub. Thanks June for leading. There was a good turnout for the pub meal. Thanks Phil for organising.

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