A Busy Weekend in Feb

A Busy Weekend in Feb

Released On 9th Feb 2023

Club Championship

From Lesley: Club Championship races - we usually include Adam 's Town Tree Trail in the Club Championships but when I was working on the races to include it was questionable whether this would be going ahead. However, it appears it is happening on Wednesday evening, 17th May, so thought it would be a good option to include it and take out Combe St Nicholas 10k. So please make the change in your diaries. Adam will be opening entries soon I am sure so watch out for it. It's a lovely race through the nature reserve.

Lytchett  10 Mile Run Race.      Full Results

From Jo: Matt Driver where are you when I need you?? Oh well, here goes another race report

Lytchett 10 Mile Road Race is normally packed with green & whites but sadly not this year . Only 4 of us made our way across the Somerset - Dorset border to compare their hills to ours - jury is still out on that one .

After plenty of time for a team photo & with only needing to get 4 of us together at the same time, success was achieved!!

Then as the race got under way, Bungy Williams went striding off into the distance, Trevor Strelley & Kirsty Norman also went off into the distance & I was just a distant memory to them!!

Bungy was the first green & white over the line. About 10 mins after that came in Trev, very closely followed by Kirsty. I bought up the rear for Yeovil, I think just making the 1:40!!

This is always a great race, the hills are tough but runable & the Marshalls are all so encouraging. You get a great medal (if you want one & of course we all wanted one!!) & I would defiantly recommend it.

Ilchester to Langport

From Mags: Ilchester to Langport and back for the Trail Gang this morning. With very much needed pub visit afterwards.

A run to the beach

From Steve: Kate, Rach and I ran from Poundbury to Portland to Weymouth this morning as part of our marathon training plans this morning. Something a bit different to keep motivated and the promise of chips at the end helped to get through the miles.

Buffalo Trail Run

From Andy: A MASSIVE THANK YOU to each and everyone of you that came along to support my charity run yesterday for Brain Research, we managed to raise a whopping £500. Thank you also to those who couldn’t come but still donated. The raffle will be drawn in a few weeks time. Looking at the photos everyone looked to be enjoying themselves, even ankle deep in mud and water!!! So many laughs! Thanks also to those who made cakes, helped set up, donated , brought a raffle ticket and especially to The West Country Water Buffalo Farm London Marathon here I come!

Wiltshire 10

From Margarita: Well there must be something in the water this week. Fastest 10 mile race today at the Wiltshire 10 in Melksham. A good race from Mellksham to Lacock and back taking in some undulating hills and lovely scenery.

Park Runs

From June: Great Field Park Run this morning. First one in ages. Nice to see Daphne and Simon there too. Happy with 3rd in age category.

From Claire: Street parkrun…not as chilly today and lovely coffee after at The Red Brick with The Claires, Kay and Karyl x

From Jo: Second ever fastest time at Weymouth parkrun, it’s coming back slowly!!

Fri Track Night

From Graham: A watered down Eliud Kipchoge session tonight. Yet another big group. Same time next week guys….


From Mark: With only six of us tonight in the not so fast group (Steve, Lindsay, June, JC, Louise, and myself), we left the pub, turned left, and climbed the hill. From the start the road was slightly slippery, but the puddles further up the hill were still liquid thankfully. We turned left at the top then right and descended into West Coker. Continuing into the village we turned right and stopped under a streetlight for photos. Turning right at the main road we ran towards Yeovil, then turned left and ran up Gooseacre lane. At Camp Hill, Yeovil was brightly lit up beyond. I always like the blue lights from the chip shop. Turning right we ran into Yeovil and then down into Nash. We followed the lane to Tellis Cross and ran down to East Coker. Turning right we ran along Halves lane to Beryl Knapp. She wasn’t there. Crossing over we ran back towards West Coker, turned left and ran up the hill back the way we came. The puddles were still liquid. Thanks all, and thanks Phil for organising. The meal afterwards was very good.

Street 5k Series

From Jo: Ok so what to write… well lots of green & whites turned up, some a lot earlier than others & some more prepared than others. All I will say is maybe we should all check Google maps to see how long it will take to get to the race & maybe we can all have something spare to attach numbers to vests .

Onto the running - everyone ran fast, very fast!! Results will probably be available some time next month as we know Wells are a great club but their runners are defiantly faster than they are at getting the results out .

Fantastic club turn out tonight, well done all. Lesley Nesbitt you are going g to be busy updating the Chamionship points.

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